Antonio Carlos Ribeiro
In the presentations at the roundtable on Religions and the Environment on June 20, the General Secretary of the Latin-American Council of Churches (CLAI), Pastor Nilton Giese, highlighted the aspects of social justice and poverty that are the most perceptible in the reality of the countries of the region.
At the roundtable, religious leaders presented the theological perspectives of each faith tradition in relation to the environment, which is a theme being discussed in the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD – Rio +20. The different religious leaders showed how the various religions understand the creation of the world (cosmogony) and how their theologies deal with the care for the planet.
Participants in the roundtable included the Moderator of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches, Pastor Walter Altmann, the Executive Secretary of the Israeli Federation of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Jeanette Erlich, the Bishop of the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil and Vice-President of the National Council of Christian Churches of Brazil (CONIC), Francisco de Assis de Silva, the Director of the Muslim Benevolent Society of Rio de Janeiro, Sami Armed Isabelle, the Ialorixá Laura Teixeira of the National Institute of Afro-Brazilian Tradition and Culture, Rabbi Sérgio Margulies, and Fr. Elias Wolff, Advisor for Ecumenism and Inter-Religious Dialogue, and Bishop Francisco Biasin of the Bishop’s Commission, both in representation of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops of Brazil.
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