"The heart converted to ecumenism brings about the understanding of faith and communion. This means that the heart that broadens causes it in the mind". This is the statement is of theologian Elias Wolff, by Theological Institute of Santa Catarina (ITESC), attending the Third International Symposium of Theology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio).

Dr. Elias Wolff, Dr. Jesús Hortal Sanchez and Dom Paulo Cezar Costa
The theologian introduced the issue stating that the pontificate of John XXIII opens the changing position of the Catholic Church on the ecumenical movement and dialogue with non-Christian religions. This is, he said, a conviction so firm that the very holding of the Council becomes a dialogical and ecumenical event, featuring the presence of non-Catholic observers that proposed observers, including questions and make observations that will integrate various conciliar documents.
In the vision of Vatican II, ecumenism is seen as a modus operandi (operation mode) and modus escendi (way of being) in order to listen to each other and listen to the heart of another. Wolff recalled the statement "in the beginning was the relationship", of the philosopher Martin Buber, from which everything else is built from the exchange between human beings. The being is to be in dialogue, therefore in the communion don’t think ad intra.
He identified trends in the churches that create difficulties for ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue, as an affirmation althrough the thriumphalist complex power, in the Catholic Church, maintaining an analogy controversy of the Reformation period, from traditional evangelical churches, and a struggle for proselytizing as an affirmation, among Pentecostal churches.
The theologian emphasized that ecumenism is essential, and not accessory, such as John Paul II said, and becomes a basic constituent of the gospel. "The difficulty is that in our reality always ends up suffering ecumenism with lacerations of the ecclesial identity", he said. From there, he emphasized that dialogue is not there to change the truth of the other, but to give content to the expression of faith.
Wolff recommended practices and attitudes to understand the other in its truth, which will require the conversion to move the host. The pastoral conclusion is that the ecumenism is not just good feelings, but in concrete actions. He recalled the words of John Paul II: "That unites us is stronger than which divides us."
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