The Faculty Bethencourt da Silva (FABES) will innovate this year at the opening of their semester. Instead of a traditional lecture, delivered by a guest, this school located in the center of city decided to promote a debate on the theme "Society, Violence and Ethics", on 1 September with the participation of a psychoanalyst, sociologist and educators.
The motivation for the choice of the theme are the waves of violence that has exploded in medium and large cities, which highlighted "the murder of children at the Municipal School Tasso da Silveira, in Realengo, the wave of crimes motivated by homophobia, the murders of ex-wives and ex-husbands and the abandonment of newborns, "said Professor Regina Celia Souza, who organizes the event.
The novelty was to establish a partnership with the Fundação de Apoio à Escola Técnica of Rio de Janeiro (FAETEC), the Continuing Education Program of FAETEC (FOCUS) - which promotes professional development - and the Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia Educacional (ABT), to participate of academic activity.
About the theme and the opening of the event participation, Regina Celia said that "an institution of higher education must promote this discussion because it is responsible for the education of its students and is a place for discussion and ongoing reflection of society." So is the FABES publicizing the event and inviting interested parties to discuss the violence.
Coordinator of the graduation, she understands that what differentiates this "interdisciplinary approach is the academic nature of the issue indicating that today more than ever, are several areas of knowledge necessary to explain the present moment, while educating for citizenship. " Thus, FABES is "creating a space for dialogue with the society, because this is the full function of institutions that produce knowledge and culture," she added.

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