Antonio Carlos Ribeiro
The facts related to the tragedy that occurred in the Norwegian weekend, arouse our attention, while repeating a story known. A financial crisis round the continent, resistant to interventions with rules of Spartan discipline - economic quarantine of indebted countries, risk assessments that strangle the last forces and armor to make other countries averse to chaos - with calls from far-right parties and armed young insecure, bold and with fragile family and community bonds.

The incidents took place in Oslo and the Isle of Utoeya, which shocked the nation and the world, caused most terrifying every new data raised about Anders Behring Breivik. The coolness with which planned the attack, the strategy to delay the police action, the ideas exposed in 1,500 pages and the impudence to ask for public hearing, in uniform and explaining their reasons. Not to mention the crime's media New York Times, which blamed the Muslims immediately, correcting the information only hours after the arrest of terrorist.
The court ordered him confined for twice the time allowed by aggravating, with the first four weeks in a closed complete, up to the prosecution evidences, determine the reasons and find supporters of this self-styled Knight Templar, who did not defend anyone , even Christians, even in the Holy Land, and not used medieval weapons. And its calm in court scared the prosecutor Christian Hatlo.
Meanwhile, over 150 000 people flocked to the streets of the capital to mourn the dead, to protest against the attack and express disappointment with the ultra-right groups which, amazingly, left Breivik, denying support to their motives and intentions, making it appear a individual act.
Stefan Schölermann, German expert on extreme right, said the right-wing populist parties are the masterminds of the crime for preaching ideas as a widespread fear of the different - of immigrants, mixed, non-Christians, especially Muslims - and until of gay marriage.
Extremists do not want to be associated with actions similar to serial killers, he said. About the attack, found that the action was planned in detail, the killer knew what he was doing and acted rationally. It is possible that isolated people have similar ideas and are influenced to do something equally bombastic, Schölermann warned. "It is a danger against which no protection," he stressed.
This is echoed in the document The European Declaration of Independence - 2083, proposing an armed struggle for democracy and halt the advance of miscegenation in the coming years. And in the same tone eschatological threatened: "Otherwise, the continent would follow a model of 'bastardization, very similar to that of Brazil,'" defied the Europeans.
The Norwegian Olav Fykse Tveit, General Secretary World Council of Churches, an organization that brings together 560 million Christians around the world, after the shock of the news, said "it is blasphemous to relate Christianity to the actions of a conservative Christian in the fight against Marxist conspiracies and Muslim colonization in Europe".
"It's important to say to all Muslims, wherever they are in Europe or anywhere in the world, that these actions do not express in any way what is our Christian faith and our Christian values," emphasized Tveit.
And finally, the appearance of Jens Breivik, father of the terrorist, can bring the most basic explanation. A retired diplomat who lives in France with current wife, separated from the mother of the shooter when the child was one year old, who lost a custody battle in court. Missing, not seen him for 16 years.
"I do not feel like his father. How can he just kill so many innocent people and still find that what he did was normal? "He said, appalled and ashamed of. Still in shock and pressed by the questions fired: "He should have killed himself, too. That's what he should have done." In one of many times that question has been redone, said that his son should have committed suicide, rather than murder innocent people.
Three keys help understanding. The first is the situation, reflecting the image the world has become accustomed to seeing in the old continent, especially in times of acute economic crisis. The impact of these crises on the ethos of those who feel part of a special category of human beings (white, bearing the Reiche Kultur, superior and exemplary), the second. And the ability to wield the flag of superiority when obstacles impact the establishment, leading to frustration explodes in social life. The latter the most tragic.
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