About 400,000 people of different religions participated in the 4th Manifestation in Defense of Religious Liberty. Demonstration took place on Copacabana Beach, south of Rio de Janeiro city, yesterday from 13 hours and the theme was "Walking together we understand us".

The act multireligious with the participation of believers from different religions that exist in the state capital – Muslims, Catholics, Jews, Protestants, Kardecists, Hare Krishnas, afro-brazilians Umbanda and Candomblé and Santo Daime followers - dressed in the costumes of the cults, accompanied by four sound trucks.
Some religions were represented by priests - priests, pastors, deacons, sheiks, babalorixás, Holy fathers and mothers - and lay people who work at celebrations and other activities. The song "Andá por fé". of singer and former culture minister, Gilberto Gil, was sung several times.
In addition, the pictures highlighting the presence of various religious groups, some brought phrases like "Perfection is not doing everything right. There is balance in everything!","Only the exercise of brotherhood helps us build a better world" and "Every religion is good. Who makes a difference, it's us!" The Presbyterian pastor Marcos Amaral said that if someone suffers discrimination of evangelicals should respond: "You're not a good Evangelical. Jesus did not discriminate!"
The religious ceremony began with the remembrance, prayers and songs for Baha'is arrested in Iran. A representative of the servers of the judiciary insisted the fight against intolerance, she said, is direct child of ignorance. Rodrigo Neves, Human Rights Secretary of Rio de Janeiro State, said the advancement of people insisting on freedom, including non-religious.
Policing was prepared and well distributed along the Avenida Atlantica, under the sun and the wind from the sea. The policing was done by Civil and Military Police, Municipal Guard and the Fire Department, by medical care car. The demonstration took place without confrontations and no accidents of any kind.
Rodrigo Neves, Secretary of State for Human Rights, was surprised by the diversity of religions representatives attending the event. "Rio has to be an example of respect and a society more democratic," he said in praising the walk.
Chico Alencar: religion without discrimination to the other!
The federal deputy Chico Alencar, of Socialism and Liberty Party (PSOL), who attended the 4 th Manifestation in Defense of Religious Liberty, said that "religion is a manifestation of the human spirit. The important thing is express it without discrimination and not deny the respect for plurality of the other ones".
About the manifestation, he said that about 80% of the population isn’t white and it has influences from the religions of Africa. For this reason, this population manifestation. He admits that 67% of Brazilians are Catholic and the growth of evangelicals, but regrets that some of them adopt biased position, it must be fought.
He proposes that religion is living in polarities as intelligence and faith, devotion and respect the different, mystical and in action, the majority and transition in the religious reality. Notes that the hegemony is over and says that diversity is healthy, since that don’t reinforce religious discrimination. He argued that we should avoid the religious competitions.
For this parliamentary, the authentic religion is generous and preaches brotherhood, no marks of capitalism and is not materialistic, but speaks of fullness, allows anyone who wants to be an atheist, but with a humanist approach. Otherwise, the expression of faith denies the human condition that assumes, he concludes.
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