The book The Future of Creation proposes a dialogue between the theologies of creation and of justification with the ecology. The work published by theologians Jürgen Moltmann and Levy Bastos, was launched at Loyola Center for Faith and Culture, of Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), on the south side of town.

From left: Levy Bastos, Geraldo Dondici, Elias Wolff, Catherine Cornille, Jürgen Moltmann, Ana Maria Tepedino, Josafá Siqueira (president), Flávio Senra and Abimar Moraes, among the speakers at the Third International Symposium of Theology (August 31 - September 2, 2011)
The book, with foreword by Leonardo Boff and afterword by Luiz Longuini Neto, is divided into two parts. The first, entitled The Sun of Justice, seeks a dialogue between Moltmann's theology of creation and the theory of evolution, supporting the current debate about environmental protection.
In the second, the Brazilian Methodist Levy Bastos, develops an eschatological perspective, inquiring about the meaning of the doctrine of justification - which resulted in Catholic-Lutheran Joint Declaration, recently assumed by the Methodist Church – and of the Kenosis, to propose a transformative eschatology.
Levy Bastos - his student in Tübingen in 1993 and now coordinator of the Theology course at the Methodist University Bennett - remembering that the ecological spirituality approach the asceticism and the environmental protection, without which no true Christian faith, but only a cheap grace.
The event began with a conference of the German theologian, who spoke about in his life since the tragic attack of the British Royal Air Force, which decimated the city of Hamburg, their pastoral and academic career in Wuppertal, Bonn and Tübingen and the dialogues between Christians and neo-Marxist Karl Rahner, Johann Baptist Metz and Roger Garaudy.
He commented about the decision of Argentinian Justice, which convicted a general, a colonel and five officers, responsible for hundreds of deaths, including Elisabeth Käsemann, in El Vesuvio prison, on July 14. For him, family, church and community rejoiced that they had done justice, even after 34 years, and that meaning is not revenge, but restoration of the dignity and human rights.
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