After the discussion on ecumenism and inter religious dialogue, the theologian Elias Wolff, adviser to the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB), said the ALC, which the Council is key to reading, while provoke interpolations. The deep dialogue involves affection, excitement and friendship, and one of the difficulties in the process is ignorance, he added.

For him, "it is essential to always do a work of contextualized reception of the guidelines of Council Vatican II on ecumenical and interreligious dialogue in each country, region or situation". The Council is a key to the reading of reality, "at the same time, the reality provoke interpolations to the Council Doctrine".
Even though common sense says that the people involved in the ecumenical and inter-religious movement shouldn’t have strong religious beliefs, the practice shows the opposite: the more firm convictions, the more they establish a dialogue. "This is fundamental: there is no dialogue without identity, without conviction. And their identity is the content of the dialogue. As a Catholic, I offer to the table of dialogue the Catholic understanding of Christian faith. "
According to him, "if there is a denial of one's convictions or denial of their identity, there is no way contribute to that dialogue to be fruitful, even by falling into the indifference and relativism, which will claim that every truth is worth by itself," explained.
He agreed that "think ecumenism with the heart" recalls the coexistence of theologians like Hans Urs von Balthasar and Karl Barth, who were close friends, and show how you can find in different depth relations and identity in relation to some circumstances even greater that of their own ecclesial bodies that formed. "The dialogue has several ways to express themselves.And the deep dialogue involves affection, emotion, friendship among people, because it also gives a dynamic of gratitude".
"I believe that this human dimension, anthropological, psychological, and psycho-affective and spiritual of dialogue is the doctrinal ground for dialogue, for the institutional dialogue, to the pastoral dialogue. If we have not worked hard enough a relationship of friendship between the different church leaders, among members of different churches, we're not going to work so fruitful the dialogue to another level, as the doctrinal, which is much more demanding”, he explained.
He added that "the social dimension of ecumenical and interreligious dialogue is prophetic and has conditions of plausibility to be lived with more strength and emphasis of that doctrinal issues here in our context. Our ecumenism that has more practical character, while in Europe and elsewhere the ecumenism theoretical, theological, doctrinal, has given the most significant steps, we have here in more toward social issues. This aspect is positive because the defense of life, promoting a more egalitarian society, more just is an element that much closer to the Churches in the Brazilian social reality. "
The suffering of the people joined these leaders. "The principle of solidarity is beyond. It is a time in what to live the solidarity of the churches can make a more significant effort to reach out to and not be each in your space by institutional or doctrinal issues. The life must be defended propels the common cause, common action of all the churches".
The repatriation of documents of the Brazilian dictatorship, held last June, shows the correct intuition of Cardinal Paulo Evaristo Arns, to disclose the facts to keep that facts don’t happening again, so the project was called Brazil: never again! And also to spread it around the world for which the church were aware of how the Latin American churches were faced with a brutal and violent situation, and without having to turn to.
"It is the prophetic dimension of ecumenism, when churches are willing to take risks that are necessary to promote a future of greater justice throughout the continent."
Wolff evaluated the event organized by the PUC-Rio as a mobilizer of consciousness, "because here is a training environment of consciousness, a place of theological reflection , and pastoral reflection, and ecclesial reflection. And from the moment it promotes a full day of debate on the ecumenical and interreligious dialogue, I think there is a possibility of scaling, reconfiguration of a concept as the church, a concept like faith, as the concept of pastoral care and spirituality, including, no doubt, the prospect of ecumenical and interreligious dialogue. It is the formation of conscience".
He noted that "one of the difficulties that ecumenism and interreligious dialogue face is ignorance, in two main horizons.Ignorance, the first of the other, from the prejudices that we create.It is lack of training on doctrine, history and spirituality of the other.The other is the horizon of ignorance of the Church documents. The documents emanating from churches that guide the ecumenical dialogue, but few believers know these documents, read these documents. Then, an academic institution like this, a faculty of theology, such ignorance must be overcome".
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