For many people, the novel "Love and Revolution", of Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão (SBT), would be merely an attempt to wash away the most shameful period in recent history of our country. The soldiers shouted through a website, but soon discovered that the rule of law in global society, the screaming can turn whispers. The program became a frame for the statements that, burning and surreal, are the expression of those who survived torture, censorship and dictatorship.
Now it's time for evangelicals and their participation in the revolutionary movement began on March 31 at midnight, which soon showed a caricature military uprising of April 1 that imposed on the country rules of the barracks - including the shut up and dungeon - with picturesque features, like the officer who leads the monk to dinner with his family, before handing it to the delegate.
Now begins the eyewitness account of those who resisted and kept the memory of horror. The charismatic leader who understands that the military coup was the answer to the battle of heaven, until the Church leader who denied the existence of torture and had the reaction the transfer of a world assembly in 1970.
At the same time, there were communities of faith in prayer sessions and ecstasy, while Brazilians were tortured – of the kidnapping of children to murder "exemplary" by the military - and "accidents" as the Riocentro. Others kept the memory of the tortured and murdered, those who died without seeing the country face with himself, and who live this moment. By faith.
The repatriation of documents of the World Council of Churches (WCC), Geneva, Switzerland, and the Center for Research Libraries, Chicago, USA, to the Public Prosecution Office of the 3rd Region, it is perhaps time for more mature experienced by the Brazilian citizenship . This move coincides with the mark of religious leaders like Rabbi Henry Sobel - aged 32 and newly arrived in Brazil, presiding over the funeral of journalist Vladimir Herzog in October 1975 - for which enlisted the help of the Cardinal Archbishop catholic of São Paulo D. Paulo Evaristo Arns, and Pastor James Wright - best known as Jaime – of United Presbyterian Church.

The Project Brazil: never more! (Brasil: nunca mais!), which began of this contact, raised a series of documents between 1979 and 1985 by 30 lawyers obtaining information over 1,000,000 pages contained in 707 cases from the Superior Military Court (STM), which to be systematized, revealed the extent of political repression in Brazil from 1961 to 1979. The work of 312 pages was signed by Cardinal Arns, who holds a Ph.D. in History from the Sorbonne, making a historical record of repression and published by Editora Vozes, of Franciscan Monks, in 1985.
One of the leading cases, which receives emphasis this week is the case of Anivaldo Padilha, social sciences student at the University of São Paulo (USP), arrested in 1970 at age 29, and tortured in the Posting of Information Operations - Operations Center Internal Defense (DOI-Codi). He admitted to having thought about suicide, for fear of betraying fellow church members who shared his ideals of fighting for justice, but bore silent torture, despite the frail body, and imprisonment for 10 months before being sent into exile, which racked for 13 years in Uruguay, Switzerland and the United States.
There have been many cases where people who worked in the Church suffered this double pain: being subjected to harm, threats, psychological pressure, rape, kidnapping of relatives, torture in front of relatives - a veritable bestiary modern - and second, to find out if terminated by a member of the same faith community, in some cases a board member or even the pastor.
Very recently, this backdrop of horror back to give the guys in the joint-religious-political unconstitutional to prevent the election of Dilma Rousseff, being totally frustrated. The participation of the sectors most conservative churches, led by bishops, priests and pastors who manipulated and controlled the groups most uninformed, as a lumpen working class, depoliticized and economically vulnerable.
Furthermore, there was the articulation of pulpits and vestries assuming the crime of guiding the faithful through the Internet and on schedule elections and the coverage of radio and TV, portals, magazines and newspapers in the country, linking the newspapers newsroom in a single speech, but eventually getting a measly 5.5% increase compared to the results of the second round of elections past.
The latest manifestation of the religious right, a few days ago, came after the session in which the Supreme Federal Court (STF) decided the civil rights of homosexuals and the turmoil caused by the reaction in defense of family, where religious, military, members ofconservative parties, especially those who share the concessions offered by the media dictatorship as a gesture of gratitude for the support with which exerts influence on the poor population sectors, depoliticized and basic needs met at the expense of votes.
In all these cases, it is clear that the political participation of evangelicals has - besides the mark of its fragmentation - of the very dependent on a conservatism based on leadership, the influence of moral duty and a certain wonder at the possibility of reaching the power.
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