Rio de Janeiro - The Coexistence Center Monte Alverne (Cecon) started operations on July 9 last year. The house has hosted 80 people for the service it provides on Fridays. Unlike City Hall - which created a shock of order, with regular use of force, even lethal at times - the Cecon (Silvio R. Romero, 49 - Lapa) has adopted the motto: "we do not collect, but welcome," said D . Celso de Oliveira.

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The effort seems unimpressive at first glance makes a big difference. Denying the humanity to do what is supposed to be a well, to adopt policing attitudes, establish shelters nearby drug distribution points and deny safety to groups supposed weaknesses is not taken seriously - a metaphor to denounce the indifference - even by people to be benefited.
This human group reflects the environment and conditions that it’s living, among people who receive care are alcoholics, drug addicts, psychotics, heterosexuals, homosexuals and transvestites. Many brands to bring physical and psychological illnesses. Human groups are emotionally wounded, vulnerable and at risk.

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The teacher and drama teacher Sydney Guedes, found in art a way to seek recovery of people. Sociologists point out two situations to classify this behavior. Those who are "of the street" because they live on the streets, know the codes, have become accustomed and reject living in another environment. And those who are "on the street" for reasons such as unemployment, disruption of family ties or while they seek new path.
Guedes noted that the space of the house creates the possibility of restoring emotional. "Watching 'afternoon session' on TV made me see what I missed when I was home," confided one housed. This reminded him that the homeless Kazan, had work, family and even intellectual projection in your area, but when his wife died, he fell in the street. So noted: "When I started talking about my story, I began to work it out", giving new meaning to the present.

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"Shelter is timely, is not permanent", Guedes said. But that punctuality is marked by "socio-educational activities, listening technique - psychological - and networking."To explain the process, he recalls the role of Artaud's theater and puppet’s Craig, remebering that, emotionally, "has all along an axis."
Part of the experience used in the educational activity, he brings his work training in the Military Police of Rio de Janeiro, in meeting with 7800 agents with playful and reflective activities. He directs the play "The price of a choice," written, produced and directed by Relationship Group - that works with theater, schools, Police Pacification Unit (UPP) and Communities - in awareness activities in the areas of ecology, drugs, theater, music and digital inclusion.